Reflection of my Thoughts Thru my Lens
This is a creative outlet for me, I enjoy photography and enjoy showing it to others ....Feel free to leave a comment or feedback.

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Friday, February 17, 2012

Manipulasi siang-malam

selalu nya orang buat manipulasi ni untuk jadi gambar macam dkat alam fantasi ke kan
tapi nak buat kelainan sikit
nak siang jadi malam
woot woot
dh cuba sedaya upaya untuk buat nampak orignal
tak tau lh jadi ke tak
korang lh judge the picture :)
untill the next post




Pena Oasis said...

nice are very talented...

Harris Shazman said...

thanks @Pena Oasis :)
ill work extra hard to produce more nicer picture for my blog reader :)